Fifth Grade: Spelling and Vocabulary
Guess the Idiom!
Idioms can be challenging for children because their meaning is different from the meaning of the individual words in the phrase. Understanding and using idioms indicates dexterity with the English language and is used as a tool for creative expression. You can make idioms fun and accessible for your child by playing “Guess the Idiom.”
Materials needed:
- Index cards
- Drawing paper
- Pen/pencil
Compile a list of idioms like:
Under the weather
The bee’s knees
Spill the beans
Pull someone’s leg
Beat around the bush
Bite off more than you can chew
Jump on the bandwagon
Hit the sack
Write each idiom of an index card and shuffle. Select a card and say the meaning of the idiom—do not read the idiom aloud—then draw the idiom and have your child guess what it is.
For example: If you selected the bee’s knees you might say, “this idiom means very good; excellent” and then sketch a bee and a knee. Encourage your child to guess the idiom based on the definition you provided and the sketch you drew.
Switch roles after each round. Adjust the game as necessary. You might add points, allow your child to pass on an idiom that they’re having difficulty with, or include additional players and designate the first correct guesser the winner. The goal is to turn the leaning into a fun, memorable experience.