Pre-K: Math

Order and Position

Navigate an obstacle course.

Set up an obstacle course using objects from around the house like pillows, balls, or chairs. Make sure to have items your child can jump over and crawl under.

Guide your child through the course using positional commands like “Crawl under the chair” or “Walk behind the couch.”  Using this language will help your child learn this vocabulary and develop spatial awareness.

Order objects by attribute.

Gather 10 different-sized objects like books or toys from around the house. Ask your child to order the items first by size and then by weight. Ask questions and encourage your child to reason aloud, “How can you tell that this book weighs more than the other one?” Start by ordering from biggest to smallest or lightest to heaviest. For a challenge, ask your child to put the objects in a specific order using ordinal numbers: “Place the brown bunny first in line and the orange cat second in line.”