Sixth Grade: Literature Comprehension

Guess Who?

Play this literary guessing game the next time you need a fun activity to keep your sixth grader engaged.  

Take turns selecting characters from books you’ve both read (or movies and television shows you’ve both watched). One person thinks of the character, and the other figures out who it is by asking questions that can be answered with only one word.  

Possible questions include:  

  • Is this character from a graphic novel? 
  • Are they a superhero? 
  • What is their most defining physical characteristic? 
  • Where do they live?  
  • Do they have a pet? 
  • Do they have magical powers? 
  • What genre is the book they are from? 

The guesser can ask as many questions as they want, but they only have five chances to guess the character before losing the round. 

Put your own spin on the game by making categories for what kind of characters you can think of. Possible categories include characters from a specific series or genre, protagonists, or characters that are kids.  

This is a fun way to help sixth graders strengthen their comprehension and recall skills outside of the classroom and make connections among the books they’ve read. This game also encourages them to think deeply about literary characters, which can inform their own writing as well.