Sixth Grade: Research and Analysis
Media literacy for all!
Children are exposed to a variety of electronic media throughout the day—they’re commenting on social media, watching videos, and viewing online advertising. We can teach media literacy to kids to help them become critical thinkers rather than passive consumers of this content.
Media literacy is an expansion of traditional literacy (reading and writing skills). It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act on all forms of communication. You can help your child become a savvy, responsible media consumer by teaching them to ask these questions about media messages:
- WHO made this?
- WHY was it made?
- WHAT is missing from this message?
- HOW might different people interpret this message?
- WHO might benefit from this message?
- WHO might be harmed by this message?
Talk to your child about what they’re reading and watching. Model asking yourself these questions about the content you consume. Choose an article online to read with your child, then discuss it and answer the questions above together. Stress the importance of thinking critically about all media, not just messages you disagree with.